This is AR Bad Baby. She is a blue self rat. Self rats have no white markings anywhere on their bodies.
Here is AR Bryce. Bryce is a cinnamon rex dumbo. Rex means he has curly hair and whiskers. Dumbo refers to the fact that the ears are larger than usual and set lower on the head. Cinnamon rats are minked agoutis--agouti rats with two mink genes which dilutes the black part of the agouti fur to a chocolate color and thus lightens the overall color of the rat.
Here are Honor (Little Ratscals' Highest Honor) and Logan (AR Logan), good buddies. They are both young blue males, though because of the light they look sorta lilac. Logan, on the right, is a double rex dumbo, which accounts for his looks. Double rexes (rats with two rex genes) tend to grow hair only to have it break off and are thus in a perpetual state of semi-baldness. Because rex is dominant, if one breeds such a rat to a normal-coated rat, all of the babies will be rexes (but not double rexes).
This is AristoRats' Paco, siamese tailless rat. His parents came from Celeste Robinson's Phi Beta Rattery in California. Tailless rats are popular and interesting, with a funny bouncy gait and indomitable personalities. Unfortunately, they are also very difficult to breed; too much inbreeding results in genetic defects, and there are rarely more than a few tailless in any litter bred for taillessness.
Behold, my lovely daughter Tasja with Dahlia, a lilac dumbo rex bareback girl baby. Lilac is modified mink. I believe there is a dilution factor that lightens mink to lilac, cinnamon to honey cinnamon, blue to powder blue, etc., but I'll be darned if I know what to call this gene. I have seen it at work, though, and I believe it inherits recessively. It results in a moderate dilution of color without any noticeable impact on eye color.
AR Linnaea, black-eyed white, lookin' rather inquisitive....
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